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Nice Stuff to Know!
Root user in Linux is a privileged account that has no restrictions. Root user has access to the hardware/devices in the Kernel space implicitly. Caution must be exercised while performing any actions as a root user. The Root user is setup during the installation of the operating system and it is as well referred to as the Super User account.
Virtual Consoles acts as an interface between the user and the system. It acts as the terminal on which we enter and execute commands. Linux Operating system provides Six Virtual Consoles for interactive use and seventh Virtual Consoles acts as a graphical user Interface.
Only One Virtual Console can be viewed at a time but we can rapidly switch across Terminals. Alt-F n is the keystroke used to switch between virtual consoles where n is the number of virtual console (1-6). For Example: Alt-F2 displays the virtual console 2.
When the virtual console is left inactive for an extended period of time, it blanks the monitor. Press the shift key to gain access without disturbing its contents.
To be able to connect to a Linux system from remote system, we rely on SSH Client installed on the remote system. Putty is a SSH client that can be used for connecting, it can be downloaded for free and is an executable that can be run. The GUI of it looks like below where we can input the
- Host Name (or IP address),
- Connection type: SSH,
- Port No:22
On the virtual console, if you are logged in as a root user, you will see a # mark, similar to the one below
[root@localhost] #
Otherwise the console view will be like
[username@localhost] $
The prompt indicates that the bash shell is ready to accept your commands.
We will get in to more details on few important commands that helps us in gathering information about the system in our next article. Stay Tuned!
To get more understanding about virtual consoles/Terminals: